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Developer Guide

Project Pre-Requisites

  1. Install Go
  2. Install vault CLI
  3. Docker installed and running.
  4. Ensure you have created a Personal Access Token in github. Please remember once the PAT is created to enable sso for confluent.
  5. Confluent Cloud Account
  6. Confluent Cloud API key - This can be created under Cloud Api keys which is found within the top right hamburger within Confluent Cloud. If you don’t already have one associated with your account go ahead and create one. After cloning this repo, to install all the necessary dependencies run

Quick Start

After cloning this repo have docker running locally before continuing.

1. Download dependencies

cd pkg/plugin
go build

2. Build

Run this command in the top level of the project. If you have just downloaded the project dependencies please cd into the top level.

make create

3. Start Docker Container

docker-compose up -d 

4. Export Config

This command exports the address and token for vault, gets the SHA256 digest of the binary file and enables the new secret’s engine.

export VAULT_ADDR=''
export VAULT_TOKEN=12345
make enable

On success, you should see Success! Registered plugin: ccloud-secrets-engine

5. Export Environment Variables

Export the necessary environment variables and run make setup to enable plugin and configure a test role in Vault: Log into confluent cloud to find these environment variables. If you have an existing confluent cloud api key and secret you can use that. If not go to Cloud API Keys and create a new key. CONFLUENT_KEY (Confluent Cloud API key), CONFLUENT_SECRET (the secret for the Confluent Cloud API key), CONFLUENT_ENVIRONMENT_ID (where the cluster lives), CONFLUENT_OWNER_ID (create keys under this user/service acct), and CONFLUENT_RESOURCE_ID (the Kafka cluster to register keys with). Owner can be found in Accounts and Access then in the table it is the ID, resource_env is the same as owner_env CONFLUENT_KEY_DESCRIPTION is a description you enter for your key. This is for you to easily identify the key in the future.

export CONFLUENT_KEY="xxx"

6. Create Role

Single Use Role

make setup

Multi Use Role

make setupMulti

7. Finally, Request a New Dynamic API-Key

vault read ccloud/creds/test

On success should return

Key                Value
---                -----
lease_id           ccloud/creds/test/xxxxxx
lease_duration     1h
lease_renewable    true
key_id             xxxx
secret             xxxxxxxxxx

Detailed Installation

After cloning this repo, to install all the necessary dependencies run

cd pkg/plugin
go build

1. Generate Binary File

Now that the project has been built cd into the top level of the project because we want to generate the binary file hashicorp-vault-ccloud-secrets-engine under bin/hashicorp-vault-ccloud-secrets-engine

 	GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64  make build

2. Start Docker Container

docker-compose up -d 

3. Export SHA256

Get the SHA256 digest of the binary file: Mac command:

export SHA256=$(shasum -a 256 bin/vault-ccloud-secrets-engine | cut -d' ' -f1)

Linux command:

export SHA256=$(sha256sum bin/vault-ccloud-secrets-engine | cut -d' ' -f1)

4. Export Config

In another shell set the vault address, vault token and register the plugin with the type being a “secret” and passing in the SHA of the binary.

export VAULT_ADDR=''
export VAULT_TOKEN=12345
vault plugin register -sha256="${SHA256}" -command="vault-ccloud-secrets-engine" secret ccloud-secrets-engine

To confirm commands have run successfully you should see an output simialr to Success! Registered plugin: ccloud-secrets-engine

5. Enable The New Secrets Engine

vault secrets enable -path="ccloud" -plugin-name="ccloud-secrets-engine" plugin

When successfully enabled you should see Success! Enabled the ccloud-secrets-engine secrets engine at: ccloud/

6. Write to Confluent Cloud

These steps provide the backend with an API key and secret used to make authenticated calls to the Confluent Cloud

vault write ccloud/config ccloud_api_key_id="xxx" ccloud_api_key_secret="xxx" url=""

On success you should see Success! Data written to: ccloud/config

7. Configuring a Role

The following steps setup a new role.

Set up a role and pass in a name, environment_id (where cluster lives), owner_id (create keys under this user/service acct), and resource_id ( the kafka cluster to register keys with). owner can be found in Accounts and Access then in the table it is the ID, resource_env is the same as owner_env. The key description should be set by the developer as this is the description visible in confluent cloud for the corresponding confluent cloud api key

vault write ccloud/role/test name="test" owner="xxxx" owner_env="env-xxx" resource="lkc-xxx" resource_env="env-xxx" key_description="personal description for confluent cloud api key identification"

On success, you should see '''Success! Data written to: ccloud/role/test'''

8. Finally, Request a New Dynamic API-key

vault read ccloud/creds/test

Which on success should return

Key                Value
---                -----
lease_id           ccloud/creds/test/xxxxxx
lease_duration     1h
lease_renewable    true
key_id             xxxx
secret             xxxxxxxxxx

You should be able to see your new api key inside the list of api keys for the cluster under your account.

Possible Errors

command not found: vault

This error means that the Hashicorp Vault CLI isn’t installed on the local machine. Please read the Project Pre-Requisites for all necessary tools.

error creating CCloud Cluster API token - Error reading ccloud/creds/test: Error making API request.

Code: 500. Errors:

* 1 error occurred:
	* error creating CCloud Cluster API token: error creating CCloud Cluster API Key: error creating CCloud Cluster API Key: 401 Unauthorized. Ccloud response: {
  "errors": [
      "id": "xxxxx",
      "status": "401",
      "detail": "invalid API key: make sure you're using a Cloud API Key and not a Cluster API Key:",
      "source": {}

Make sure the API token was created under Cloud Api keys found in the top right (hamburger) menu.


To run the tests you have to be in pkg/plugin. Then run the command go test

Integration Testing

Go to TestAcceptanceUserToken in pie-cc-hashicorp-vault-plugin/pkg/plugin.

In the run configurations you will need to set some environment config which can be found in confluent cloud. This is the same information needed in the quick start:

If you have an existing Confluent Cloud API key and secret you can use that. If not go to Cloud API Keys and create a new key. CONFLUENT_KEY (Confluent Cloud API key), CONFLUENT_SECRET (secret of the Confluent Cloud API key), CONFLUENT_ENVIRONMENT_ID (where cluster lives), CONFLUENT_OWNER_ID (create keys under this user/service acct), and CONFLUENT_RESOURCE_ID (the Kafka cluster to register keys with). Owner can be found in Accounts and Access then in the table it is the ID, resource_env is the same as owner_env

In the environment field for the tests add:


The VAULT_ACC=1 flag enables the integration tests. This flag is checked in path_credentials_test.go in if !runAcceptanceTests { t.SkipNow() }. You can comment this line out if you don’t want to set the flag in the environment variables. The TEST_MULTI_USE_KEY=true; flag enables the creation of a multi use api key and secret in confluent cloud.