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Secrets Providers


How should I implement this library?

A complete setup of Confluent Secrets will go through the following phases:

  1. Installation of the libraries
  2. Creation and installation of the property files
  3. Restart of the components and health check
  4. Test of the added functionality

Installation: What files do I need, and where do I put them?

The Confluent Secrets Providers Accelerator is provided as Java jar libraries to be installed in your Java class path.

Note: ordering of libraries in Java class path is important. Accelerator libraries such as this should be loaded first.

Note: it is not recommended to install libraries for multiple components sharing a node (e.g. Schema Registry and Connect).

If necessary, then use separate class paths to be explicit for each component.

Installation in the Java class path

Using the table below, copy the libraries required by your use case into your existing class path or a new folder.

The class search path (class path) can be set using either the -classpath option when calling a JDK tool (the preferred method) or by setting the CLASSPATH environment variable.

The -classpath option is preferred because you can set it individually for each application without affecting other applications and without other applications modifying its value.

Installation via the CLI

Update the following with the specific provider to be installed:

confluent-hub install confluentinc/csid-config-provider-aws:latest

List of libraries (current version, supports CP 5.5.x and up)

Required LibrariesDescription
csid-config-provider-common-{version}.jarMain library for secrets provider, required for all use cases
Optional LibrariesDescription
csid-config-provider-aws-{version}.jarAWS Secrets library for secrets management
csid-config-provider-azure-{version}.jarAzure KeyVault library for secrets management
csid-config-provider-gcloud-{version}.jarGoogle Cloud library for secrets management
csid-config-provider-vault-{version}.jarHashicorp Vault library for secrets management


Once the libraries required for your use case have been installed in the Java classpath, it is time to configure encryption.

Configuration is done via standard Java Properties objects. Meaning, configuration can be specified in properties files, code, environment variables, etc.