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Secrets Providers

K8s Secrets Manager Config Provider

confluent-hub install confluentinc/kafka-config-provider-k8s:latest

This plugin provides integration with Kubernetes secrets.


This config provider is used to retrieve secrets that are mounted to the current container in Kubernetes.




The number of attempts to retrieve a secret from the upstream secret store.

  • Type: INT
  • Default: 3
  • Valid Values:
  • Importance: LOW

The amount of time in seconds to wait between each attempt to retrieve a secret form the upstream secret store.

  • Type: LONG
  • Default: 10
  • Valid Values:
  • Importance: LOW

The number of threads to use when retrieving secrets and executing subscription callbacks.

  • Type: INT
  • Default: 3
  • Valid Values:
  • Importance: LOW

The amount of time in seconds to wait before timing out a call to retrieve a secret from the upstream secret store. The total timeout of get(path) and get(path, keys) will be retry.count * timeout.seconds. For example if timeout.seconds = 30 and retry.count = 3 then get(path) and get(path, keys) will block for 90 seconds.

  • Type: LONG
  • Default: 30
  • Valid Values:
  • Importance: LOW

Determines if the config provider supports polling the upstream secret stores for changes. If disabled the methods subscribe, unsubscribe, and unsubscribeAll will throw a UnsupportedOperationException.

  • Type: BOOLEAN
  • Default: true
  • Valid Values:
  • Importance: MEDIUM

The number of seconds to wait between polling intervals.

  • Type: LONG
  • Default: 300
  • Valid Values:
  • Importance: MEDIUM


Opaque Secret Example

The following example reads from Kubernetes Secret that is mounted to /opt/secret/credentials in the host container.
